Are you planning on renovating your washroom but having a hard time on deciding on a style for your new space? Don’t rush into things! Picking an aesthetic you will love long term is important; a renovation is meant to last, and you must be happy with the design and style of your space for it to truly stand the test of time.
Picking a Style: Where to Start
When deciding on a style for your new washroom, the internet is your best friend! Set some time aside to browse washroom renovations online, and create an image board on Pinterest that match your intended renovation aesthetic. There are a lot of great collections of images in Pinterest, from general bathroom remodeling ideas to inspiration for specific fixtures in your space. During the initial stages of your planning, it’s to keep some things in mind. Do you plan on staying in your house long term, or do you plan on reselling in a few years? If you plan on reselling, look into what styles can increase the resale value of your home. Houzz is a great resource for browsing fixtures and different styles, and allows you to choose from a varied style of bathroom.
Looking for a place to start as you decide on an aesthetic for your new washroom? We recommend three different styles that are proven to stand the test of time.
Stand the Test of Time: Traditional Style
Traditional style washroom design is inspired by the timeless beauty of vintage bathroom fixtures. This style can look good in most homes when executed correctly. Vintage fixtures are timeless, with a style that can add an ornate flair to both older and modern homes. WETSTYLE’s Cloud Bathtub with base is an example of a vintage style fixture, with its smooth curves and freestanding design. This style may be inspired by the bathrooms of old, but it can add a fresh flair to your home!
The Cutting Edge: Modern Fixtures
If traditional style fixtures aren’t what you’re looking for, a modern design may be something more in line with your taste. WETSTYLE’s CUBE Collection of tubs highlights this modern style, defined by their squared corners and their spacious tub capacities. If the CUBE Collection isn’t the modern style that you are looking for, the Couture Collection features a design informed by geometric construction that creates a unique rounded tub, a bathroom fixture for the home of today. Though this style is often seen in modern homes, in the right traditional style house these fixtures can create a unique aesthetic, with many examples appearing online for inspiration.
The Best of Both Worlds: Transitional Style
If you are at a crossroads and cannot choose between the timeless beauty of vintage style fixtures and the stylish edge of modern fixtures, why not meet in the middle and go for a fusion of the two? Transitional style bathroom fixtures merge the elegance of the classical design with the unique style of modern tubs. WETSTYLE’s Tulip Collection features smooth rounded edges inspired by the vintage fixture design with modernized flourishes that create a unique hybrid of old and new styles. The Ove Collection also offers a unique take on the transitional style, with soft curves made from thick defined edges inspired by modern design.
Don’t Hesitate to Contact a Professional for Guidance
Picking a style for your renovation is one of the hardest parts of the design process. Remember to take your time and do some research; rushing into things without looking at all of the options can result in a remodel that you are not fully satisfied with. If you have questions during your planning process, reach out to one of our professionals; they will help you on your journey to your dream bathroom!
Photo 1: Carrothers and Associates Inc., Lisa Frahm, Mike Chajecki
Photo 2: Lewin Wertheime Architexts, Douglas Hill Photography
Photo 3: Estes Twonbly Architects Inc.